Where to Find Me

Saturday, July 23, 2011


Yeah, I know, I'm corny, but hey, that was what my head was saying when Zombie A.C.R.E.S. started following me on Twitter. When I went on the page, they instantly had my heart (considering, I read anything paranormal and always there's a zombie somewhere lol).


Stories, merchandise, giveaways . . . you name it, it's there

The website also has a kickstarter.com profile to get funds together for the project:


Currently they have 6 backers, $96 pledged and they need at least $1,200 by August 27, that leaves them 34 more days . . . click on the link above and pledge, even if it's $1, $1 can go a long way, and if you enjoy this project you can get even more, the more money you spend towards this website . . . go ahead . . . pledge, you won't regret it!!!

Follow them on Twitter: http://twitter.com/#!/ZombieACRES

"Like" them on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/zombieacres

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